Tuesday, November 4, 2008

First Blog

This is the first blog for us. We just moved to Colorado in July and are finally settling in here. We both are enjoying our new jobs, but can't wait until the next vacation. Since the move from Spokane, we have added another puppy, Bentley Diezel. He is a male, brindle boxer and is full of energy and love. Sophie, our 2 1/2 year old female, fawn boxer loves him and is no longer bored all day long. No, we will not be reproducing them as Sophie is fixed and Bentley will be having surgery soon. Anyway, hopefully more updates, photos, and fun as we learn how to use this blogging site.

A, B, and doggers


Lundberg Family said...

What a cute family...now get some real kids! Love you. Look forward to seeing you at Thanksgiving.

nina said...

Hey BJ! Crazy finding you on here. I was looking at your sister's blog and happened to see your link.
I didn't know that you guys moved to Colorado. It sounds like you guys are doing really well... great jobs too! My husband would be so jealous of your dogs if he saw them. He loves boxers. Anyway, I just wanted to say hi. Keep in touch!

KrIStiN said...

Hey BJ, I found your blog through someone else's and just wanted to say hi!! I love your dogs..I have a boxer too...do you want him? He's a white boxer and he's fixed!! FREE DOLLARS!! anyway...hope all is well..sounds like you guys are doing great!