Sunday, June 7, 2009


Here are a few pictures of a small tornado that touched down less than one mile from our house. Pretty scary but luckily it didn't touch down in development, but pretty darn close!
We lost power for a little while after funnel cloud was noticed but it was afternoon so didn't need to scramble for flashlights, candles, and lanterns!!


KrIStiN said...

thats too close for comfort for me...did u guys find out what u are having yet?

nina said...

That is crazy! I'm glad you guys are okay. I hate tornadoes. We get TONS of them down here and I never get used to it.

Stacey said...

I dislike any natural disasters after our hurricane experience!! I am so glad you were not hit!! Too close for comfort!

Amber And Caitlyn :) said...

Scary! I luv u Uncle BJ!!!!!!

~Caitlyn Lundberg~

Amber And Caitlyn :) said...

I also luv u Aunt Andrea!!

~Caitlyn Lundberg!~